Saturday, March 10, 2012

Anybody help me with English to Spanish translation. It is not home work related.?

please somebody put this into Spanish for me ~ Brazil speaks spanish don't they?

Thank you for your purchase!

I have been trying to find the best way to get this shipped to you

since you are in Brazil.

We can do this one of two ways and I will leave it up to you. I

can ship the meter to you in the original box. It will require

another package to protect it. This makes the shipment bulkier,

heavier, and more expensive.

If you decide for the first it's going to cost an estimated $78.25

US dollars.

Another option would be to remove everything from the original

fluke box. I can then pack it into a much smaller flat rate box.

The United States Postal Service sells an international flat rate

box which will cost the same to ship no matter how heavy it is.

If we use the second option then the price of parcel decreases

significantly. If you don't need the fluke box and styrofoam

then we can get it to Brazil for around $43.45

Let me know what you decide and I will send you an invoice.

Please let me know if you have any questions.Anybody help me with English to Spanish translation. It is not home work related.?
Unfortunately, the language spoken in Brazil is not

Spanish, but Portuguese. Try to get your letter

translated into that language.

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